People who have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) undergo a certain vicious cycle that starts with having an obsessive thought. This then triggers anxiety in the person that compels him or her to do some compulsive behavior.
After the compulsive behavior, which comes in different forms of actions or rituals, temporary relief of the anxiety then settles in. But this will eventually subside, leading up to the recurrence of the obsessive thought once again and the cycle continues. For a person to know if he or she has OCD, cognitive assessments must be had.
Counseling services can help people in managing their obsessive-compulsive behavior. Most people with OCD are categorized into different types according to their behaviors. This somewhat assists medical professionals in knowing what strategy in treatment to take. The categories include washers, checkers, doubters and sinners, counters and arrangers, and hoarders. However, it is worthy to note that not every person who has obsessive thoughts or displays compulsive behaviors is diagnosed right away with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Symptoms of OCD usually occur during adolescence or young adulthood. But younger children sometimes show symptoms or behaviors that look like OCD. The added tricky part in identifying OCD in young children is that other disorders such as ADHD, Tourette’s syndrome, and autism also have similar symptoms as the former. Thus, consulting our facility for behavioral health in Brooklyn, New York will help you properly address your child’s behavior.
If you want to know more about OCD or inquire about our mental health counseling in New York, call A. L. Mental Health or visit us today!
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